During the winter season, it’s essential to be sure that your backyard pool is protected. Through regular checkups and maintenance, you can avoid most of these issues. For all winter maintenance tips for pools you need, we’ve got you covered below. 

Tip #1: Check Your Pool Equipment

The pump, gauge, and other mechanical elements of your pool need regular maintenance to maintain longevity. Over the winter, this maintenance consists of prepping for closure. 

Start by removing all of the water from the pool equipment. Any remaining moisture might freeze over, causing long-term issues. Regular equipment checkups can lead to expensive repairs and replacements.

Contact your local service professional if you are nervous about looking for bad equipment. 

Tip #2: Add Pool Chemicals

Adding chlorine, enzyme, and a mid-winter algaecide will allow you to avoid almost all issues with your pool. Picking pool chemicals specific for winter use will maintain your pool’s health over time. 

To spread the chemicals throughout your pool, you will want to run your pump throughout. Once fully incorporated throughout your pool, you can disable your equipment over the colder months. 

Tip #3: Lower Your Water Level

You might hear about some people draining their pool completely to eliminate the chances of freezing. While this sounds good on paper, completely emptying your pool can lead to a damaged pump. 

Lowering your water level to below the tiles and above the skimmer ensures your pump stays wet. So try and keep it about three inches below your tiles to avoid cracking. 

Tip #4: Cover Your Pool

A good pool cover will prevent any debris from entering. This tool can be helpful during the fall, spring, and summer months but significant during winter. Even if it is a bit late, there are still benefits to using it regardless of your timing. 

Ideally, the pool cover needs to be tightly applied as fall crosses into winter. If your pool cover does not fit, buy another one. A loosely fitting cover will likely cause unwanted materials to sneak into your water. 

You’ll also want to be careful in removing the pool cover. Remove any top-side debris before removing the cover. Otherwise, you might end up having to exhaust extra effort in cleaning your pool.

Tip #5: Perform Semi-Regular Checks of Your Pool

Despite winter, walking around your pool once a week (or every two weeks) is a good habit. This regular process enables you to spot any damage or check on the tightness of the cover.  

You won’t need to check it as often as you do during active use. Regardless, performing regular checks of your pool allows you to have solid control.


The best way to ensure you maintain good maintenance is to return to your regular schedule of poo management. Opening your pool early avoids algae buildup, which can cause a significant cleanup bill. 

Regular checks of your pool equipment can also help. Contact us today if you need a professional service to repair or replace your swimming pool pumps. 

Call (416) 661-5667