by lnelectric | Dec 18, 2019 | blog
Has your eclectic motor burned out for good? Or can you repair it? L.N. Electric Motors has trained professionals that can repair almost any motor. With over forty years of experience, our professionals can help you repair your broken motor or find an affordable...
by lnelectric | Nov 20, 2019 | blog
What is a Hydromatic sewage pump? The Hydromatic sump pump is an above-floor system. It adds a drain without requiring any major remodeling to the home or basement. Hydromatic provides several different types of pumps. If your pump motor needs repair or replacement,...
by lnelectric | Oct 18, 2019 | blog
What is a Permanent Magnet DC Motor? You need to understand Permanent Magnet DC (or PMDC) Motors whenever you purchase an electric motor for sale for instance. With PMDC, the magnets are mounted on the inner periphery of a cylindrical steel stator. The magnets of the...
by lnelectric | Sep 18, 2019 | blog
Do you know the difference between a sewage pump and a sump pump? What is a sewage pump system? Learn what every homeowner must know. What is a Sewage Pump? Unlike a sump pump, a sewage pump removes both water and waste materials. The sewage pump system can remove...
by lnelectric | Aug 20, 2019 | blog
Look around your home and you will find motors everywhere. From your swimming pool pumps and motors to your refrigerator and sump pump, motors surround you. In a nutshell, anything that has moving parts uses an electric motor. Why are electric motors so important?...
by lnelectric | Jul 31, 2019 | blog
A Refrigerator is an essential appliance for every kitchen. It’s where you store your food and keep it cool, freeze items to use later on, or to hang your child’s school project to showcase to the family. Fridges are necessary, but not every fridge serves the same...